Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cache County Fair

So we just got back from the Cache County Fair, and I have to say, it was rather interesting. Jeffrey was pretty stoked that he got $300 for that lamb he sold. If you think that was a lot of money, just go to the Duchesne County Fair. Jeffrey's cousins got $600 and $900 for their lambs, and I'm sure they probably didn't weigh 156 pounds like Jeffreys did. What can I say, Duchesne must just have a few more rednecks with money! Not sure what they will be doing with those lambs, I don't think the meat is worth that much ... never mind, scarry thought!
Just so you know, if you have a farm animal you are raising for sale, don't under any circumstances name the thing! Jeffrey was pretty distraught on the way home when it hit him that he wouldn't be seeing "Spotty" again. He wanted me to find out where that guy lives so he can go see his lamb. Don't really want to get into a discussion with him about the fate of his lamb. Give him a few years. Can anyone say "how are you enjoying your Curly burger, Kristin?"
Hailey had a good time up there also, she got to walk and show off the lamb a bit also, so she enjoyed that. Everyone got a blue ribbon and a couple bucks for their efforts.
Pictures to follow ... when I can find the dang camera!

1 comment:

Kristin Sokol said...

Why don't you just fry up your cat while you are at it. Lambs are pets. Not meat.