Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cell phones and dating ideas

So anybody got any better ideas for a date? It started out just great. We had dinner at Ruby River (their steaks are probably the best you can do if there is no Longhorn Steakhouses within a couple hundred miles). Then seeing as we didn't have enough time to catch a movie -- and frankly there wasn't really a movie we cared to see -- and it was too cold by that time to do anything outside, minigolf, walking off the dinner, etc. We decided to walk around the mall. Talk about feeling old! Since I wanted to find out what kind of new cell phone I could get (in June, when our contract would be up), I suggested stopping at the Verizon counter to look for a couple minutes. So Tammy went off to the little girls room, and somehow those couple of minutes looking at phones turned into 10 minutes, then 20, then half of an hour. He talked me into a Blackberry phone instead of the more basic phone I was originally interested in. I guess you don't have to wait the 2 years to get your 'free' phone with Verizon. Only 1 year and sign a new 2-year contract. So after Tammy came back with some clothes for the kiddos, we spent another half of an hour and he threw in a free phone for Jeffrey to boot! Nothing fancy, no camera. Just a little more piece of mind for us when he's off on his own.
So anyways, a whole hour at the Verizon kiosk at the mall was not exactly Tammy's idea of a good date. To be fair, it wasn't mine either.
And now I've got my blackberry that I now don't think I'm even keeping seeing as how I can't sync up my work email and calendar to it like I was told I could, no problem. Maybe ... if I had the $45 monthly plan (on top of the normal $69/month plus $20 for the 2 other lines), maybe I could. But its looking like now my days amongst the blackberry carrying brigade are numbered, barring any yet unforseen events.
So anyone got any better ideas for a good date? At least for that hour or so after dinner before picking up the kids?


Unknown said...

Honestly, Paul and I are in the same sort of rut. Thankfully, there's warmer weather on the horizon. Lately we've taken to going to the Gateway because with the first hour free parking and validations at most the non-fast food places, it can be an interesting affair. That is if you don't mind immodest teens and foreigners amongst the homeless asking for your spare change and the bible people hidden under the sheet. That was an interesting date.

Erika W said...

Jason and I don't date. Ever. At all. I'd totally be down with an hour at a cell phone kiosk without kids. Anything without kids, really. Any date will do.

Stat Aggie said...

we totally need to trade babysitting with you. Even if you just want to go shopping while jason is out camping