Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tasty Leaves?

Is that the secret? Really?
You all know the drill; try to get the kids to eat their veggies (or anything healthy for that matter). I just never thought all it would take was to change what to call it, but it worked. For the grown-ups, its affectionately referred to as spinach. When we were kids, it was the idea that you could be strong like Popeye if you ate your spinach. That was a little bit of an exaggeration (for most people, not me - I'm built just like Popeye).
Its a pretty simple food, spinach. Some like it raw, like Tammy; some will endure it cooked, like Jeffrey. I'll have it either way. Hailey, well if its not chips and chocolate milk, its painful. So tonight we tried a little reverse psychology.
So this is how it went: "No, these tasty leaves are only for big people, not little girls." After a few minutes, Hailey says "I want some tasty leaves like Jeffrey!"
The FDA recommends 5 servings of veggies a month, right? Thought so.
At least apples aren't that tricky, after you figure out what everyone likes. For my kids its red apples, who cares what variety. For Tammy, its Granny Smith. For me, its Golden Delicious.
Sometimes, you can combine the greens with the apples and come up with something good. Like spinach salad with diced apples, craisins and candied almonds, yummy! (especially if there are leftover candied almonds to snack on later)


Kristin Sokol said...

I have the cookbook deceptively delicious. It's that one by Seinfeld's wife about how she hides veggies in other good stuff and the kids never know. You are welcome to borrow it.

Now that you mention it...I think I'll go have be some tasty leaves.

Stat Aggie said...

We've got that book too. Made a couple of things from it, but a lot of the recipes are foods we just don't eat. But I'll have to pull it out again, its been a few months and palates change.

Anonymous said...

that salad sounds good. I have no idea how to make children eat healthy food. Probably cause I don't have any children. I am a horrible aunt too! I just give them whatever they want. I figure in the few hours they spend with me they won't die of malnutrition.

Leslie said...

I LOVE Tammy's Spinach salad. I was so happy you brought it to our Mother's Day dinner.