So before all this snow came down, there were actually some nice days to be had in the last few weeks. I thought I might share what we have been up to during that time. We spent the Thanksgiving holiday with several of Tammy's siblings out in the Uintah Basin. This picture was taken at Sherry and Dex's house just after Thanksgiving dinner. The kids loved to run around outside and it was very difficult to get them all together for this picture. It was obviously very bright and sunny outside. What I wouldn't give for another one of those days!
Jeffrey has gotten to be a real photography enthusiast. He went up exploring in the hills behind Sherry and Dex's house on Thanksgiving and took some pictures. There were really some pretty good pictures and scenery to be seen. This is a reservior and hill near Altamont where they live. Dex takes care of the reservior and surrounding area there.
After Thanksgiving, we had the opportunity to go on a Christmas tree hunt excursion up Nine-mile canyon. And in case you are ever in the area and want to explore Nine mile, don't be fooled by the name --- its actually more like 60 miles and on a dirt road. But great scenery to see when you have a day to waste.
We only went up about 5 miles into the canyon to search for our tree. Then we probably hiked another 5 miles or so (maybe I'm exaggerating a little) thru the hills and around the brush to find the perfect tree. The perfect tree was right by the road, and we could have been in and out in probably 5 minutes, but you can't do a tree hunt unless you actually hunt, Can you?
Jeffrey had to find (his) tree. I got to carry a sleeping Caleb up and down the hills, trying to keep up with Jeffrey. Once he found the tree he wanted, we had to get back to the group and back to the truck to get the chainsaw. And since he wanted to get the far away tree, I had him carry the chainsaw most of the way back to the spot. Would have been nice to have my GPS and marked the spot so we could have found it again easier. But it was an experience.
Back to the truck with the tree. Everyone still happy and awake! Dex cut down a couple more for himself, and a small one for grandmas house. Not bad all in all for $10/tree permit!
Good thing we have a fake tree we use most years, because cutting down and setting up a real tree is a lot of work! But I guess everyone has got to do the real tree the right way (cutting it down yourself) some time in their life!
Back to work, additional Christmas preparations continue. Santa Claus makes it a point to stop by my work each year, and the kids get to take advantage of seeing him every year and getting some good pictures! And no lines! As you can see, Caleb still isn't to happy to see him yet.
Hailey on the other hand just loves Santa! Not sure what all she asked for .... something about a butterfly sled or something. I think by next year she'll be asking for her 2 front teeth. As you can see, she lost her first tooth recently.
She was really excited to loose her first tooth. Happened just after Thanksgiving while we were still out visiting family in Myton. I had forgotten how small those teeth can be. The tooth fairy came and left her $1.00! Seems the tough economy doesn't affect the tooth fairy at all!
Caleb had a ball at grandmas. I think all the kids spent the entire weekend watching and rewatching Up! Caleb also loved to play with cousins and be just generally happy! A good age (sometimes)
Except at night lately. Jeffrey has been the good older brother and try to deal with Caleb when he doesn't want to go to bed yet. This is a scene that has been a little more common in our house at night. Jeffrey reading a book to Caleb in his crib before bedtime. He even lays down with him sometimes in the crib to get him to go to sleep. Some things only big brothers can do!
1 comment:
What's the deal? Where were are these cutie pics last week? Hello!
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