Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hailey's first day of pre-school

So today was Hailey's first day of school. When I asked her to get dressed, she quickly did so, but she was having a hard time putting on her backpack. When I tried to help her, I noticed that it was extremely heavy. She had about 4 juice boxes, 8 small bags of chips, and 2 packages of fruit snacks. I knew that she had put a couple of these in her backpack, because she sees Jeffrey put these items in his backpack in case he has a low blood sugar, but this was quite a bit more then I thought possible. I had wondered where all the chips had gone, but just figured that the kids had eaten them all as snacks. When I showed Scott, he couldn't even hold all the stash. So now we just have to try to convince her that she doesn't need to bring all that to school with her.


Leslie said...

That is so cute. Kids are so funny. I am often amazed at the things they pick up.

Kristin Sokol said...

What if she gets hungry during her three hour class? What then?