Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A non-football blog

So who says you can't pass a Taekwondo belt test with your bloodsugars off the charts? Thats what Jeffrey did on Monday. So he was keeping his bloodsugar numbers to himself on Monday, not telling us just how high they were. When we found out at that he had been high (over 600) since Noon, we were already at the belt test. So I got to run home during the testing and get everything he needed to change his site for his insulin pump to bring his number down. Fun stuff! He still managed to pass his test, even though his energy level was down a bit, probably because his bloodsugar was so high!

Anyways, he did good - even with all the caos with all the people there!

Caleb, I think should have passed all the belts tests too. He can do the yells, kicks and moves better than all of them.

And he's walking around now.

In other news, we finally joined the minivan brigade. I know, I know, we've talked about it to everyone long before we pulled the trigger. I don't know if there is anyone else out there that does as much research and weighing the options as we do. And I know everyone was probably saying 'why doesn't Scott and Tammy just go buy the dang thing?' Well we did it! And I think we made a good choice.

Life is sure busy.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm so happy that it's a non-football stats blog. Congrats to've been tagged...and a belt test wow!

Yes life is busy, but don't you feel better sharing it all with us?

Kristin Sokol said...

Go Jeffery! Way to get a belt even with High Blood Sugars!

Way to go on actually purchasing a van. Next time...Toby Keith says it best...A little less talk and a lot more action.